Photography: Que Duong Styling: Christiaan Choy, Albert Ruz Grooming: Pierre Ellis, Kisha Augustine, Champaine Ivy, Elym Hernandez, Devin Lésassier Models: Deaven Booker, Trevor Bates, Dominic Lords, Swap Larrazabal, Xavier Lugo, Tenzin Choegyal, Jaylon Dawson
A vision of standing in the middle of the flower field has led me here. It was a place where the bees were the rulers of the land and the butterflies were the Michelangelo’s and Leonardo’s.
Together, they composed a painting of my soul. Was it a dream? I don’t know. But it was god’s voice that assured me that it was real.
Spirited by this vision, I was called to create this series that is a ballad of a man and his emotions, particularly his peace and Innerjoy.